Organic Sunscreen
Our SPF 35 organic sunscreen protects your skin, the environment and your children
Earthie Mama Organic Sunscreen SPF 35 is healthy, highly effective and safe for your skin and the environment. This sunscreen is safe for pregnant women and babies, even under 6 months of age.

Non-toxic natural protection from the sun
Earthie Mama Organic sunscreen is free of common allergens. It is made of the highest quality sun protecting ingredients on Earth.
This sunscreen contains only 6 ingredients with an added Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is a critical vitamin that requires UV energy to be produced in our skin. Vitamin D3 deficiency is common and plays a significant role in diseases such as cancer.
Earthie Mama Organic Sunscreen solves this problem of reduced vitamin D levels due to sunscreen use.
Ingredients - All Organic Of Course!

$7.00 – $15.00
Earthie Mama Organic Sunscreen SPF 35 is healthy, highly effective and safe for your skin and the environment. This sunscreen is safe for pregnant women and babies, even under 6 months of age.
Frequently asked questions:
Why you should use a mineral based sunscreen?
The majority of sunscreens currently available are made up of chemicals that are now under scrutiny by the FDA. What is the alternative? Mineral Based sunscreens which the FDA has determined are safe and effective. Chemical sunscreens absorb into the skin and thus into your body. Chemicals such as oxybenzone and avobenzone, protect the skin by absorbing the sun’s rays. Mineral sunscreens don’t get absorbed into your body at all. They sit on top of the skin and absorbs the rays of the sun. In mineral based sunscreens you will usually see these two ingredients separately or together. zinc oxide and titanium oxide. The evidence is out more than ever why if you haven’t already, you should switch to a mineral based sunscreen now. For more info on why you should switch to a mineral sunscreen CLICK HERE.
How does zinc oxide work in terms of UV protection?
Zinc Oxide is an excellent sunscreen because it has the broadest UV protective spectrum and cannot be absorbed into your blood, unlike all the petroleum-based sunscreen chemicals. It sits on the top of your skin where it needs to be, effectively providing a layer of armor against damaging UV rays.
Zinc Oxide is, however, an extremely misunderstood active ingredient in the suncare industry. Most manufacturers, dermatologists and media report that zinc oxide reflects and scatters UV radiation, an assumption they make because it looks white. This is completely wrong. It looks white because it does indeed reflect and scatter visible light, however it behaves entirely differently in the UV spectrum. It would look black in the UV spectrum because it absorbs UV radiation via a process of electron excitation called band-gap absorption. Since energy always has to go somewhere, and UV is quite strong, zinc oxide absorbs UV and turns it into comparably harmless infrared, which it disposes of as heat.
Can this sunscreen be used on anyone?
This organic sunscreen can be used by anyone, even young babies and pregnant women. Zinc Oxide is the only FDA approved sunscreen active ingredient that is safe for use on babies under the age of 6 months. Zinc Oxide is also the active ingredient in diaper rash treatments, which puts the ingredient on the most sensitive skin on earth – an inflamed baby’s bottom – a genuine testament to its superb safety and gentleness.
Is this organic sunscreen safe for the environment, reefs and fish?
This organic sunscreen is completely safe for aquatic environments. The coral reefs have been destroyed by the chemicals humans put on their skin that they take with them into the ocean. Mineral based sunscreens such as Earthie Mama’s Organic Sunscreen will not harm life in aquatic environments or any environment.
Why does it have Vitamin D3 added?
Sunscreens block the absorption of UVA and UVB rays which are necessary to the production and absorption of Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is important to overall health and wellness and lack of Vitamin D has been connected to many health issues. This organic sunscreen has an added Vitamin D3 so you don’t miss out on the good stuff while you are protecting your skin from sun damage.
I have sensitive skin, will this organic sunscreen be ok for my skin?
Yes, this organic sunscreen is safe for sensitive skin. It has a combination of 6 ingredients that are actually beneficial to the skin unlike the chemical sunscreens out there. Be careful when companies market sunscreen as “natural” because many times they still contain harmful chemicals. Zinc Oxide is also the active ingredient in diaper rash treatments, which puts the ingredient on the most sensitive skin on earth.
How often do you have to reapply this organic sunscreen?
When spending all day in the hot sun, putting sunscreen every few hours will be the best protection against sun damage. After spending time in water is a good time to reapply. No sunscreen is completely waterproof, they all wash off eventually. Be wary of sunscreen manufacturers who make this claim – they are in violation of FDA law established to keep consumers safer. The term “waterproof” was excluded from the approved marketing terminology by the FDA.

$7.00 – $15.00
Earthie Mama Organic Sunscreen SPF 35 is healthy, highly effective and safe for your skin and the environment. This sunscreen is safe for pregnant women and babies, even under 6 months of age.
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