Juicing plays a major role in ensuring that your body gets the recommended 8 daily servings of fruits and vegetables. A glass of juice even once a day will help increase energy, clear skin, improve the immune system, and lower the risk of diseases. When doing a juice cleanse it is a good idea to include a variety of juices from various fruits, vegetables and herbs. It is best to get Organic produce and using a combination of your juicer and blender to ensure that you are still getting the fiber that will help your body eliminate toxins.
Pre-Cleanse Guidelines:
- 2 Days Before the Cleanse eliminate: caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugar, dairy, wheat, gluten, grains, legumes, processed foods, meat, chicken, fish
- Consume raw foods the day before the cleanse and the day after
- Drink lots of water
Juice Cleanse Daily Plan:
- Wake up: Lemon water and ginger
- Breakfast: Juice
- Mid-Morning: Coconut water, hot tea, vegetable broth
- Lunch: Juice
- Afternoon snack: juice, tea, broth
- Dinner: Juice
- Dessert: Hot tea
Juice Cleanse Sample Shopping List:
Sample Juice Recipes
We are bombarded with heavy metals from the food we eat, air we breathe and the water we drink. Heavy metals can be very harmful on the body. I recommend this juice to help get the heavy metals out!
Heavy Metal Detox Juice:
Heavy Metal Detox Juice:
- 1 Apple
- 6 Carrots
- A bunch of Cilantro
- 2 Garlic cloves
- 1 scoop of blue green algae ( chlorella and spirulina)
- 1 scoop bentonite clay
- squeeze of lemon
- Stevia, or another sweetener to taste (optional)
- Juice the apple, carrots, cilantro and garlic
- Mix in blue green algae and bentonite clay, squeeze in the lemon
- Sweeten to taste
Benefits from Juice Cleansing:
- More Energy – By drinking only juice, your digestive system gets a break. So all of that energy used to break down food will now be freed up and you will feel way more energy.
- Clearer Complexion – When we ingest foods that are processed or some animal products, it reeks havoc on our colon. It all builds up in the colon. This can come out through the skin causing inflammation in the skin. Clearing out the colon by drinking juices can keep your skin clear and glowing.
- Losing Weight – When you do not ingest foods and you only drink juice, the pounds naturally flow off, you are consuming less calories. All the junk will be released from your gut.
- Improve Immunity – Our digestive system is connected to our immunity. When we clean up our digestive system, we can help make our immune system stronger.
- Form a New Relationship with Food – While taking a break from solid food, you are able to see what comes up for you when you don’t consume foods that might give you comfort. This is a way to see if we are satisfied without food or if we are using it for emotional reasons.
- Reset your Taste Buds – When you drink only juice it changes what your taste buds crave. It helps us reestablish our taste for flavor. There are many different juice combinations that are beneficial to the detoxing process as well as to bring nutrients to your body. I have created some juicing recipes in the Recipe Book.
Happy Juicing!
~ Alex
~ Alex