At the moment the girls have not met any friends. Cassidy, my 10 year old said today,”I don’t even need friends here, I am just happy.” My girls are always playing together formulating activities that they can all participate in. It took a few weeks of adjusting but now they are getting along so well and blossoming every single day. The bond that I see forming between my girls is a strong imprint which I see them holding sacred forever. Zoe, my middle daughter, has changed the most noticeably. She arrived here broken hearted from the loss of her puppy and she was the only one of my children still in school. Zoe has been a challenge for my husband and I. However, she has totally come into herself. She has found an independence and confidence that she did not have before. Her tantrums have turned into giggles. She is happy 🙂 Although Zoe really enjoyed life at school, I did not feel it was the best place for her. She would come home every day from school and have major meltdowns. She was not pleasant to be around. Being perfect all day and holding all of the different energies would cause her to come home and let go completely in whatever form that looked liked. It is so wonderful now to be able to see Zoe’s sweet, loving, helpful and caring side stand out the majority of our days. Honestly, if all Zoe learns from our time in Costa Rica is to ground herself and feel good within herself than mission accomplished 🙂
I will let you know how it continues to go…..
Thanks for joining me on my journey!
With Love ALL Ways
~ Alex~