Recipe for Children’s Immune Tonic


I am always creating concoctions of healthy ingredients that will help the body feel better.  I make a tonic that I call Master Tonic. I have been making it and using it for years now.  I have witnessed the benefits from many around me and I have felt my own shifts from drinking the tonic. However, my children will not drink it, which is understandable seeing that some of the ingredients are peppers and horseradish.  So after research and playing around with ingredients and 3 taste testers, I have developed my own Immune Tonic.  It is made especially for children over the age of 1 (because of the raw honey added).  All of the ingredients are Organic and of the highest quality and combine to boost the immune system to prevent illness while helping replenish the body’s most important vitamins.  I am now offering it in my store but I want to give you the recipe to make at home too!

Ingredients (Organic):

2/3 cup dried Elderberries
1/4 cup
4 cups water
2 tea bag of Rooibos tea
1 tsp of Cinnamon
2 T fresh or dried Ginger
1/2 tsp of Cloves
1/2 cup raw Honey 


1. Pour water into saucepan and add all ingredients except for honey
2. Bring to Boil, Cover and Simmer for 45 minutes
3. Remove from heat, let cool
4. Pour through a strainer
5. When completely cool, add honey and mix completely
6. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator

Suggested Dose:
Take daily for immune support:
~ 1 tsp. for children
~1 T. for adults
 If Flu comes on:                     
       ~ Take suggested dose every 2-3 hours until symptoms disappear

The Benefits:

Elderberries: High levels of Vitamin A, B and C, high in antioxidants, immune system stimulate, helps with digestive system, anti-inflammatory.

Rooibos: From South Africa, this red bush is excellent for you.  Very high in antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, protects the heart, inhibits brain aging, improves immunity

Echinacea: This herb is used to boost immune system.  It is especially helpful with colds and upper respiratory infections.
Cinnamon:  Reduces pain linked to arthritis.  Contains fiber,calcium and iron. regulates blood sugar levels. Reduces cholesterol. 

Ginger: Anti-inflammatory, helps digestive issues, rids throat and nose congestions, reduces flatulence.

Cloves: High levels of antioxidants. Encourages healthy teeth and gums. Anti-inflammatory.

Raw Honey: Antibiotic properties which treats condiotns like the cold, sore throats, indigestion and acne. Treats allergies, helps support and protect the growth of bacteria in our gut. Relieves constipation.

Keep growing, thriving and being healthy!

With Gratitude,

 Earthie Mama

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