In order to make a probiotic Ginger Ale you need to make a Ginger Bug first. It is super easy to make and once it is activated, you can make a very healing delicious Ginger Drink. A Ginger Bug is a culture of beneficial bacteria similar to a Kombucha SCOBY. The Ginger Bug can be used to make homemade sodas like Ginger Ale, Root Beer and other flavored sodas.
- 2 Cups Filtered Water
- 3 grated teaspoons of Ginger, peeled and grated
- 1/4 Cup Organic Sugar
- Add all ingredients to a mason jar and mix. Cover with cheese cloth or a coffee filter.
- Each day for 5 days, stir in 1 T of Sugar and 1 T of grated ginger.
- Once it is active there will be bubbles. ( if it hasn’t become active by 8 days discard and start again).
- Keep cultures away from other cultures like Kombucha.
- Now you can add to other liquids to make sodas.
*To keep culture alive keep feeding it sugar and ginger.