Hi there! I wanted to share some more information about who I am through the words of others who I have assisted along my journey. My ultimate purpose is to helps others connect with their most natural or Earthie side. I believe that if you can tap into the simplicity and perfection of nature you will align with your true self and find what it is to thrive while learning to flow with what life brings forth; just as a tree surrenders to the storm by swaying with it rather than fighting against it. There are many ways to connect with your most natural side within that come very natural to me. I am delighted to be a teacher of this wisdom and serve as many people all around the world with this knowledge. Here are some words that people have shared with me and I would like to share them with you in order for you to get a deeper understanding of who I am and what I do.
In Service and with Gratitude,
~ Alex
Dearest Alex,
Thank you so much for all of your support and counseling throughout my whole pregnancy and after little Violet’s birth. I can’t tell you what all of your advice and suggestions did for me! I love how you come from a traditional psychotherapy background, and yet you’re such an Earth Mama with all of your holistic remedies and recommendations. : You have such a vast knowledge that is invaluable and I’m sure the experience raising your three little girls only enhances your wisdom. Finally, thank you for encapsulating my placenta. You were right! That made all the difference in the world. I’ve had zero post-partum depression and am back into my jeans after only 2 months! I really feel like the placenta capsules you made were a big part of that.
Thank you so much dear for all of your love and support. I am forever grateful.
With Love,
~ Rose
Rose Cole, C.N.C., C.N.H.P., holistic nutrition coach, certified nutrition consultant, and certified natural health professional, is co-author of the book Audacious Aging with Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil. A nationally recognized speaker on the subject of spirituality, natural health and nutrition for more than a decade, in 2006, she established Wellness With Rose Inc and later the High Priestess Programs. Her well-known virtual business, www.RoseCole.com, has thousands of free videos, articles, and audio downloads on holistic living. Her books, products and speaking appearances focus on her approach to a life of vitality and connected purpose.
“My grandfather just finished his cancer treatment. He had so much trouble eating and building his immune system. He started drinking your Super Cleansing Tonic and even the doctors are surprised by how well he is doing. He says he owes it all to your tonic. Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your wisdom” ~ Jeanine M.
“Dear Alex, I am so amazed at how fast my body has responded to the master tonic and Immune Support. I have been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. In the past a simple cold has required antibiotics and steroids for several weeks to recover. In just a few days after taking the Master Tonic, four times a day, I am back to normal without any antibiotics and steroids!! So thankful for Earthie Mama!!” ~ Alice F.
“Hi Alex” I think I would like to re order all the supplements including tonic for my next round. I am going to continue the cleanse for 60 more days. I have to say, I have not had any luck with this lump/cyst and doctors are clueless as to what it is or why. It does not hurt but I know it does not belong. Amazingly enough, since I started this cleanse, the size has reduced very noticeably. Also, my fatigue is way down. Energy level is good, stiffness is better. I checked my weight and I am down 9 lbs. I have always been healthy and exercise daily but could never get those last pounds off and now they are! I am so pleased by my results from this cleanse. It has seriously changed my life!” ~ Alex B. from Orange County
“Thank you, Alex! I LOVE your Detox Bath Salts and your supplements, they do work magic!” ~ Bozhena
“Your Super Cleansing Tonic helped me from not getting sick when everyone around me was ill. Thank you so much for all that you do!” ~ Diane M.
” Dear Alex, You are so inspiring. Your connection to Mother Earth is like nothing I have ever seen. You feel the Earth. Your garden is such a representation of your wisdom. Thank you for sharing that life can be abundant by connecting with the simplicity of nature.” ~ Nicole S.
” Dear Alex, Thank you so much for encapsulating my placenta for me. I know that taking the pills help me from not getting Post-Partum Depression like I had with my first child. I had so much energy too. You are a gift! “ ~ Michelle S.
“Thank you, Alex for the online support you gave me for my entire pregnancy. You really helped me figure out the birth of my choosing. I also felt empowered to make choices that were best for me and my baby boy. You are a blessing to the birthing world! ” ~ Gen B.
“I didn’t realize how much I would need support at the end of my pregnancy. I was so happy that we started working together right from the beginning of my pregnancy so we could build a relationship which really helped me in the days leading up to birth. Thank you so much for your calm energy and expert advice. I really feel I couldn’t have had the amazing birth that I did without you! “ ~ Katie M.
“I highly recommend Alex if you are looking for support during pregnancy, birth and after or if you have questions and concerns about birth. She is extremely attentive, thorough, and patient to answering any questions about pregnancy and labor, and has lots of good ideas. She has helped me out a lot!! Thanks, Alex. ♥ ♥” ~ Jenna S.
“Alex, I love reading your articles! You are incredibly inspiring and you have taught me how to live a healthy and conscious life. My children are benefitting too! Thank you!” ~ Melanie C.
“Thank you, Alex for all of your support with raising my little boy. You are a health guru!” ~ Alison S.
“First of all, I will miss your lovely daily emails every day!
I’m feeling really, really good. Not just physically but also mentally. I wanted to do this cleanse as I way to say ‘Hey, I don’t need caffeine and alcohol to get my through the day!’ Even though with 3 small kids, sometimes, a cup of coffee does the trick as does a nice glass of red wine after a long, hard day. But I noticed that my energy level was much more balanced from not drinking coffee. And more clear headed from not drinking alcohol the next morning. But, I also just wanted a reboot and to get back in touch with my health. I felt like i had fallen off track. Definitely cutting out gluten has been a real boost in energy for me. I think I felt sluggish a lot and bloated. Not any more. I plan to keep on a vegan/gltuen free diet for as much as I possibly can. And have an occasional glass of wine and cup of coffee. I loved my tea on this cleanse!
And all of your supplements were great. Thank you so much! I will definitely recommend this to my friends! And send them to you.”
~ Catherine B.
“I benefited so much from the 21-day super cleanse. Within the first 3 days I had more energy than I have had in a long time, that’s with chasing around my 17 month old! I slept better at night and my 2 spots of psoriasis cleared up and we’re almost gone. The Emails you provided were encouraging and so informative. Any questions I had you answered them right away, I am so glad I have given my 2nd baby the gift of a healthy start. This won’t be the last time I do this cleanse!!! Everyone needs this, for their body, for their mind, for themselves. Thanks so much Alex for teaching me how to properly nourish my body!!!! Best wishes!!!” ~ Samantha C.
“The information that you provided over the 21 days has completely changed my relationship with food. I have become much more conscious about what goes into my body. Thank you for all the recipes and meal ideas too. I appreciate you responding to all of my questions so fast. Thank you , Alex!” ~ Diane M.
“I’m feeling well. I’ve noticed that when I wake up, I’m actually awake and don’t feel sluggish or extremely tired. I was 190 a month ago and am now down to 178. I now know what foods don’t sit right with ny stomach because I’ll start to feel gassy or bloated. I’m also feeling full and more satisfied with gluten free food or simple breakfasts. Today I ate fiber and granola cereal with a slice of toast with almond butter and organic jam. I’m more conscious of what I eat and although I havent fully committed to being an organic and gluten free eater I am leaning more towards it. All In all, this experience has taught me a lot about what my body deserves and needs. And its amazing how much junk is unnecessary. Now I just have to get my husband on the bandwagon.”
~ Daniela C.